In early February I listened to a phone message from my friend John, up in Fairbanks. He was calling to ask for my mailing address as he needed to send me a wedding invitation. WHAT?! Ok, granted I'm rather out-of-the-loop down here, and I wasn't *terribly* surprised, except by the short notice! But who doesn't love a shot-gun wedding?! Shortly after the word came down to Homer-town, Katie, Blaine, and I booked tickets to fly up to Fairbanks for the weekend of Feb. 21st --- Congratulations to Miki & John! The wedding was so beautiful (yes I cried, but just a smidge...), it was personally wonderful to be back in Fbx and see so many people I love dearly and see far too infrequently. Without further ado - some photos:
(oh - did I mention I was diagnosed with strep throat about 28 hours prior to leaving for Fbx? As a result, I was quarantined at Josiah's where I was housesitting while everyone had a kickin' margarita par-tay...and as a result of that, Katie and Blaine weren't feeling so hot for the flight up. I, on the other hand, was all jacked up on antibiotics and feeling ... well, less than great, but better than those guys!)
John & Miki rented out a B&B on Chena Ridge for the festivities. It was gorgeous. When we got there on Saturday morning, they were out on the deck doing some photos. Tears immediately sprang up - have I also mentioned that I cry pretty easily?
Katie's dad, Jim, officiated the wedding ceremony. Here's Miki, Chris Villano, John & Jim.
Seth and Chrissy - gearing up cameras for the big event. The wedding ceremony was held on the porch in the beautiful sun.
Blaine and Katie helped with the saki ceremony, a part of traditional Japanese weddings. John made all of the saki dishes, and created the hare-fur cozy for it!
Everyone was present on the porch for the ceremony - the attendees and the ample drink stock.
A married man, with Jon and Ken - 2 members of Slim Pickin - a wonderful new Fairbanks band! Somehow I didn't get any pictures of Greta, who was also there singing.
Cake-feeding time!
And breakfast the morning after!
No trip to Fbx would be complete without a walk on the pooch loop (with Emily Sousa and Ella, of course!) and a trip to Lulu's
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